We have a modern, well equipped state of the art production facility with an annual capacity of 5lakh plants per annum. Non sterile area is having media preparation, plant washing, grading and packing area. Soil fertigation is the process is to inject various fertilizers and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system to . Soil test recommendation and soil fertigation recommendation to enhance nutrients in soil and get protect the soil by various deficiencies detected in plant tissue analysis through soil fertilizer test.
We have a separate area for washing, drying and storing of glassware. We have a bottle washing machine which takes care of quality...Read More
Our media Preparation facility (Lab Associates LA-50/V18) is equipped with dispensing system Our media room is well equipped... Read More
Our high capacity sterilizers are with Microprocessor based automatic process sequence control system. In addition to the standard use... Read More
In order to maintain disease free culture, we have separate room for quality check. Every culture is checked before processing to... Read More
The activity of segregating and transferring cultured plant material is being done in our Plant Inoculation room Class 10000 is maintained by fumigating the room periodically with sterilant and regular monitoring of air borne microbes. Highly skilled, trained and efficient operators handle the cultures by strictly following SOP. Soil fertigation is the process is to inject various fertilizers and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system.
The growth room is designed to grow cultures with controlled light. Humidity and temperature.We have seven State – of – the art growth rooms with best accuracy and reliability. Growth rooms are equipped with highly modern Air Handling Units and Screw Chiller. Culture racks are fitted with the fluorescent tube lights to ensure optimum availability of light for proper growth of the cultures. The rooms are fumigated periodically to keep the contamination under control. Each growth room has capacity to maintain different temperatures. Growth room area sterility is also maintained to control contamination.
Green houses are maintained at desired temperature and humidity with the help of latest control panels.Plants are monitored regularly for their growth and presence of any disease or pest. Periodical and timely spraying of suitable chemicals are carried out with proper recording and reference.
Utmost care is taken for selection of proper tray, potting mixture, during washing of plants, waterfor irrigation. All records pertaining to transfer of plants is maintained for tracking of movement of plants.