Soil Testing Lab and Tissue Culture Lab

Take the advantage of ultra modern, fully furnished state of the art production facility that enables production of 5 lakh plants per annum. Make the arid area prolific by having simple processes like media preparation, plant washing, grading and packing area.
Our Soil Testing Lab is fully equipped with ultra modern testing techniques. Several essential tests like pH, EC and organic C, N, P, K, S took place in the laboratory. On the basis of certain tests, reports are made and recommendations of fertilizer doses are suggested to farmer for the next season crops. These recommendations help the farmers at available at a very minimal rate. Soil Testing is a process in which soil is tested by a chemical process in soil testing laboratory. The quantity of nutrients in soil samples helps to recommend the amount of fertilizer required. Soil testing lab seeks to measure pH, humus matter and exchangeable acidity. By the analysis, you can test wanted as well unwanted elements (e.g. potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, sulfur, magnese).

Soil Test Company

In this era, several facilities are available for farmers to make boost their production. They can take suggestions to improve soil fertility. As per the scenario, farmers should take the advantage of soil testing facilities that not only provide you the growth as well as escape you from extra hard work.

In order to achieve the desired goals and meet the top production along with quality, this soil measurements are quite enough at a very nominal cost.

Often, growers make conjecture about the need of lime or fertilizers, how much quantity should be applied. By using this soil test report the grower does not require to make assumptions.

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Plant Tissue Culture Lab

Plant Tissue Culture Lab especially for growing plants, in which the plant tissue puts into the jar, flask or a tube under sterile conditions. As per theory, this process is helpful for producing many plants over time.

By virtue of Tissue culture you can get uniform yields, hindrance against disease, diverse selection options as compared to conventional plating material. Our commercial wings not only offers production capacity of 5 Lakh plants per annum, but also the supply of follow plants on a routine basis.

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